User Registration

EPA allows industry and states to access the RCRAInfo Pre-Production environment to try new features, and test things. You may see this site referred to as the "test" environment.

You will need to create a separate account for each environment.

Registration Process

The registration process for both environments is identical, the general process includes creating a user account, then requesting access to the EPA sites that you are working for.

  1. Visit the RCRAInfo pre-production site
  2. Click on the "Register" link and select "Industry User"
  3. Register, verify your email, and log in

Obtain Site Access

The RCRAInfo test site has a number of EPA sites that you can request access to for testing purposes. The following table sites are available for testing:

Site IDSite NameStateZipSite TypeNotes
VA988177803HEATING AND OILVirginia22033Generator only
VATEST000001TEST TRANSPORTER 1 OF VAVirginia22202Generator, Transporter
VATEST000002TEST TRANSPORTER 2 OF VAVirginia22202Generator, Transporter
VAD000532119TEST TSDF OF VAVirginia22202Generator, TSDF
VATEST000003TEST TSDF OF VA TWOVirginia22202Generator, TSDF
VATEST000004TEST GENERATOR OF VAVirginia22202Generator only
  • On the My Sites page, click on the "Add Existing Site" button

  • Search for your EPA ID number in the Site ID box or a test site and then select that facility. (For example: VA000532119)

  • Request a role for each module for this site. The roles are:

    • Site Manager
    • Certifier
    • Preparer
    • Viewer

The Site Manager role is the equivalent to having the Certifier role in each RCRAInfo module, and also has the ability to add and remove users from the site, and generate an API ID and key.

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