Manifest User Interface (UI) Link service
The e-Manifest UI service exposes one endpoint that can be used to generate a link (URL) to the RCRAInfo user interface (specifically the e-Manifest module). This service provides a method to streamline the manifest signing process for users that do not have an independent system to manage manifests.
It can be used for the following use cases:
- Link to View a manifest
- Link to Sign a manifest
- Link to Edit a manifest
- Link to display manifest dashboard
- Link to bulk sign manifest(s)
The following parameters can be passes in JSON format in the body of the request:
specifies the type of the page the link should direct users to. This is a required parameter the options include:Sign
: the epa site ID of either the generator, transporter(s) or TSDF participating in the manifest. This is a required parameter.manifestTrackingNumber
: the tracking number of the manifest. This is a required parameter if the providedpage
value is eitherView
, orSign
. This parameter may not be provided is thepage
value is equal toDashboard
: An array of manifest tracking number(s) which should be displayed on the manifest Dashboard or bulk sign page. This is a required parameter if the providedpage
value is eitherDashboard
. This parameter may not be provided is thepage
value is equal toView
, orSign
POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/links/emanifest HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Content-Type: application/json
"page": "View",
"epaSiteId": "VATESTGEN001",
"manifestTrackingNumber": "100035836ELC"
Sequence of Steps
The system will process the request
- 3.1. If page is not provided then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Object has missing required properties ([\"page\"])", "field": "" } ] }
- 3.2. If provided page is invalid then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Instance value (\"provided value\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"Dashboard\",\"BulkSign\",\"View\",\"Edit\",\"Sign\"])", "field": ".page", "value": "provided value" } ] }
- 3.3. If
is not provided then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Object has missing required properties ([\"epaSiteId\"])", "field": "" } ] }
- 3.4. If provided
has invalid format then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Regex \"^([A-Z][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]{2,10})$\" does not match input string\"AK96903307420\"", "field": ".epaSiteId" } ] }
- 3.5. If provided
is not registered then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Site with provided epa site id is not registered", "field": "epaSiteId" } ] }
- 3.6. If provided
is equal to "View" or "Sign" or "Edit" andmanifestTrackingNumber
is not provided then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Value is not provided", "field": "manifestTrackingNumber" } ] }
- 3.7. If provided
is equal to "View" or "Sign" or "Edit" and themanifestTrackingNumber
provided has an invalid format then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Regex \"^[0-9]{9}[A-Z]{3}$\" does not match input string \"provided mtn\"", "field": ".manifestTrackingNumber" }, { "message": "Invalid Field Format. 9 digits followed by 3 upper case letters is expected", "field": "manifestTrackingNumber" } ] }
- 3.8. If provided
is equal to "View" or "Sign" or "Edit" and themanifestTrackingNumber
is not found then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Provided Manifest Tracking Number is not found", "field": "manifestTrackingNumber" } ] }
- 3.9. If provided
is equal to "View" or "Sign" and manifest with provided epa site id andmanifestTrackingNumber
is not found then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Provided site id is not participating in the manifest", "field": "manifestTrackingNumber" } ] }
- 3.10. If provided
is equal to "Sign" and manifest is in "Pending" status then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Provided manifest is not ready to be signed", "field": "manifestTrackingNumber" } ] }
- 3.11. If provided
is equal to "Dashboard" or "BulkSign" and provided filter elements has invalid format then the service generates following error:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Regex \"^[0-9]{9}[A-Z]{3}$\" does not match input string\"100024600EBLC\"", "field": ".filter[i]" }, { "message": "Invalid Field Format. 9 digits followed by 3 upper case letters is expected", "field": ".filter" } ] }
On success, the service returns the URL for the manifest page
If any validation errors were found the service returns an error report
If any system errors were encountered during processing, the system will r