Manifest Search Service

Returns a list of manifests matching the search criteria. The service can be used by both industry and states.


  • Security Token

  • The following service parameters will be passed as JSON compliant to the JSON schema defined in search-manifest.json.

    • stateCode: Valid State Code. This is one of two Mandatory Parameters. Either stateCode or siteId shall be provided.

    • siteId: TSDF, Generator, or Transporter Site ID. This is one of two Mandatory Parameters. Either stateCode or siteId shall be provided.

    • siteType: The type of the site (Generator, Transporter, TSDF) which will be used for the search. If the site location address state code is equal to the provided stateCode then this search criteria is a match. One of the following values may be provided:

      • Generator
      • Transporter
      • Tsdf

      If a parameter is not provided then the search will be performed for all Generators and Transporters and TSDFs. This is an optional Parameter.

    • status: Manifest Status. Following values can be provided:

      • Pending
      • Scheduled
      • InTransit
      • ReadyForSignature
      • Signed
      • SignedComplete
      • Corrected
      • UnderCorrection

      If the parameter is provided the manifests which are in the provided status will match the search criteria. If this parameter is not provided manifests which are in any of the above statuses will match the search criteria. This is an optional parameter.

    • dateType: type of the Date which will be used for the date range search. The following values can be provided:

      • ShippedDate
      • ReceivedDate
      • CertifiedDate
      • UpdatedDate

      The service will perform a date range search when the date type, startDate and endDate parameters are provided. This is an optional parameter.

    • startDate: Starting date/time of the date range search. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD date/time format shall be provided. This is an optional parameter.

    • endDate: Ending date/time of the date range search. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD date/time format shall be provided. This is an optional parameter.


POST /rcrainfo/rest/api/v1/emanifest/search HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer theSecurityTokenObtainedFromTheAuthService
Content-Type: application/json

    "stateCode": "VA",
    "status": "Pending",
    "dateType": "UpdatedDate",
    "startDate": "2023-08-01T00:00:00.0-05:00",
    "endDate": "2023-08-31T23:59:59.0-05:00"

Completed Response Examples

The following example searched for all manifests where the Generator site address state code is equal to "MD" and have "Scheduled" status:

  "stateCode": "MD",
  "status": "Scheduled",
  "siteType": "Generator"

The following example searches for all manifests where either the Generator or Transporter(s) or TSDF site address state code is equal to "TX" and have been shipped in the Date range between March 6, 2018 9:57:33pm and March 15, 2018 9:14: 44pm:

  "stateCode": "TX",
  "dateType": "CertifiedDate",
  "startDate": "2018-03-06T21:57:33",
  "endDate": "2018-03-15T21:14:44"

The following example to search for all manifests where siteId is provided and the manifest status is Signed

  "siteId": "VATESTGEN001",
  "status": "Signed"

Completed Response Example

["100035794ELC", "100035671ELC", "100035735ELC", "100035569ELC", "100035664ELC"]

Sequence of Steps

  1. Security Token Validation.

  2. User Authorization.

  3. The system will process the request.

    • 3.1. If stateCode is not provided and siteId is not provided, the service will stop processing and generates the following error:
      • E_SearchParameterRequiredStateCodeorSiteId: Missing required search parameter State Code or Site ID
    • 3.2. If an invalid stateCode is provided, the service will stop processing and generates the following error:
      • E_InvalidStateCode: Invalid State Code is Provided
    • 3.3. If provided Site ID is invalid, the system will stop processing and generate the following error:
      • E_InvalidSiteId: Provided Site ID has invalid format
    • 4.1. If Site with provided Site ID is not registered in RCRAInfo, the system will stop processing and generate the following error:
      • E_SiteIsNotFound: Site with Provided Site ID is not Found
    • 4.2. If the provided status is invalid, the system will stop processing and generate a schema error.
    • 4.3. If the provided dateType is invalid, the system will stop processing and generate a schema error.
    • 4.4. If the provided startDate is invalid, the system will stop processing and generate a schema error.
    • 4.5. If the provided endDate is invalid, the system will stop processing and generate a schema error.
  4. System returns the response

    • 5.1. If the System found manifests for the provided search criteria, it returns JSON containing the list of obtained Manifest Tracking Numbers
    • 5.2. If no manifests were found for the provided State code, the system returns JSON containing:
  5. empty list

    • 6.1. If any system errors were encountered during the processing, the system returns JSON containing:
  6. error: containing error code, error message, error id